P.O. Box 2992 Indianapolis Indiana 46206 USA
+11 317-931-2319

This course will explore the celebrative style of African American preaching as a framework to help preachers love their preaching and preach their very best.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Student’s work through preaching will demonstrate an understanding of the Bible’s foundational role in the formation of Christian identity and Christian witness;
  • Student’s work through preaching will demonstrate an appropriation of the Christian heritage through and understanding of major theological foci;
  • Student will demonstrate through preaching an understanding of the church and its mission;
  • Help students ascertain that quality preaching is fostered by growth and maturity in these two areas: a) an awareness of the preacher’s own spiritual development characterized by mature self-acceptance and self-direction, and b) the giving and receiving honest feedback in a peer-context;
  • Help students to understand that competence in preaching is necessary in the formation of disciples;

Course Objectives:

  • Gain awareness of African American preaching as a rhetorical/persuasive act following Henry H. Mitchell and Frank A. Thomas.
  • Integrate the rhetorical and theological aspects of African American preaching by the practice of preaching that take seriously the celebrative aspects of the gospel as modeled in the method books written by Frank A. Thomas on celebrative preaching.

december, 2024

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